About us
We develop technologies that support introspection and expand general awareness

Hyper-long-term vision
We believe that humanity must be preserved for millennia so that one day, regardless of technological advancement, a human, just like you, will be able to experience reality, and seek answers to the relevant questions of their time.
Tacit knowledge
The next step in human progress relies on the collective capacity to access, understand, and communicate tacit knowledge [1]. Our mission is to support the emotional infrastructure between knowledge providers and knowledge seekers. We do this through technologies that people use to strengthen relationships and discover effective ways to transfer knowledge among one another.
Purposeful living
Modern life presents many distractions, which absorb considerable amounts of time. Accumulated, they contribute to emotional fatigue, and a sense of widespread degradation. We acknowledge such feelings, and work hard to counterbalance with digital experiences that focus on merit, progressive development of higher values, and passion to contribute towards remarkable initiatives.
Adaptive mindset
Technology is pushing the boundaries of what a single person can achieve in very short periods of time. We believe that our minds are able to handle such shifts at scale through prompt self-directed readjustment of person perception [1] and self-perception [2]. Which is why we embrace the multifaceted polymath identity and support people's smooth adaptation to a world of rapid technological progress.